Cancel reservation

Step 1. Go to the main menu and select "Reservations".

Step 2. Click on the reservation you would like to change, then you click on "..." at the top right.

Step 3. Click on "Cancel reservation". The reservation has now been canceled.

Step 4. If you want to activate the reservation again, you can look up the reservation via the filter.

Step 5. Click on the filter "Status", then click on "Canceled". Then you click on "Yes".

Step 6. Click on the reservation you would like to activate. (in gray)

Step 7. Click on "..." at the top right.

Step 8. Click on "Activate reservation".

The reservation is active again.


If you cancel a reservation, the customer of the reservation will receive a notification of the cancellation.
If you delete the reservation, the customer will not receive a notification.

Pay attention! If you type in the reservation number in the search bar, you can directly bring your canceled reservation to the fore without having to filter.